22:59:44.089 ACP Initializing AcquireSupport V7.0.2 Weather safe, server OK User actions detected. Telescope is ACP->POTH->Astrooptik, driver V2 Dome is POTH->Gornergrat Dome Driver MaxIm DL/CCD is version 5.23 Imager is FLI Imager readout modes: 0 is 8 MHz 1 is 8 MHz (RBI Flood) 2 is 1 MHz 3 is 1 MHz (RBI Flood) Autoguiding is disabled Calculated unbinned plate scales (arcsec/pix): H = 1.47 V = 1.47 Calculated field of view (arcmin): H = 100.4 V = 100.4 This is AcquireImages V6.0.9 Hardware pier side reporting is available. This mount can be flipped on command. Compiling plan... (using ACP Plan Compiler V7.0.1) ...plan OK! This plan has 1 live target(s), 1 images There are 1.0 min. of actual imaging time Image file set-numbers start with 1 Automatic pointing updates are disabled Final exposures: (plate solving is disabled) Starting run for plan currentPlan.txt... ==== Starting target Mossotti ==== ; ------------------------------------------------------ ; This plan was generated for the Gornergrat Observatory ; ------------------------------------------------------ ; ; For: Stellarium Gornergrat ; Targets: 1 ; ; --------------------------------------------- ; ; ; === Target Mossotti === SR - Pre slew telescope Start slew to Pre-slew... (wait for slew to complete) (slew complete) SR - Pre slew dome SR - Dome is slaved ? true (wait for slew to complete) (slew complete) (wait until Mon, 2 May 2016 21:02:18 UTC) (wait finished) (no slew, scope already within max error of target) Ready for Mossotti (# 1 of 1 in set 1) [flip check: Tn=240s HAc=426s GW=F HAz=668s DWz=F WF=no] === Place in plan === Set 1 of 1 Target is "Mossotti" (1 of 1) Repeat 1 of 1 for this target Filter Clear (1 of 1) Image 1 of 1 for this filter Imaging to Mossotti-S001-R001-C001-Clear (taking 60 sec. exposure, Clear filter, binning = 1) (using 8 MHz readout mode) (starting exposure) (exposure complete and image downloaded) Image finished (turning tracking off for safety) End of run.