Stellarium Gornergrat Portal

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The PlanetCam now provides spectra. Images can be ordered for initial tests. Brighter stars are recommended.

The movement of the stars

Why do the stars move through the sky during a night and what does this have to do with the change of day and night?

Niveau: A

Questa attività è stata sviluppata di recente. Saremo lieti di ricevere suggerimenti per miglioramenti e correzioni. Potete contattarci all'indirizzo

The students get to observe the movement of stars in the night sky by analyzing images of the Stellarium Gornergrat and think about the underlying cause. Why do the sun, the moon and most stars rise and set during a day? The aim is to make connections between the apparent movement of celestial bodies and the rotation of the earth. The students learn why there is day and night and how to determine the geographical North by looking at the stars.


Learning Objectives

The students…
  • interpret the movement of the stars as a result of the earth's rotation.
  • can explain why there is day and night.
  • know that certain stars never set and are just not visible because of daylight (circumpolar stars).
  • understand why the polestar keeps its position through the night.
  • know that the polestar indicates the geographical North.
  • understand the term of relative movement.
  • can arrange and compare velocities.

Learning Steps

1: Die Wanderung der Sterne am Nachthimmel

Short Description

Die Schülerinnen und Schüler erhalten eine Aufnahmeserie der AllSky Kamera, die den nächtlichen Himmel zu unterschiedlichen Uhrzeiten zeigt. Sie werden dazu angeleitet, Sternstrichspuren zu zeichnen, um konkrete Aussagen über die Bewegung der Sterne machen zu können. Der Lernschritt schliesst mit einer Diskussion der Ursache dieser Wanderung ab.

Difficulty Level



60 minutes

Social Form

Group Pairs

2: Wie schnell dreht sich die Erde?

Short Description

Die Schülerinnen und Schüler lernen, wie man die Geschwindigkeit berechnen kann, mit der wir uns auf der Erde bewegen. Die Geschwindigkeit wird für unterschiedliche Orte auf der Welt berechnet und verglichen. Die Überlegungen bieten auch einen ersten Zugang zum Begriff der Trägheit.

Difficulty Level



basics mathematics


30 minutes

Social Form

Pairs Individual Class

Documents for Learners

There are no teaching materials available for the English version of this activity.